Vern Tutoring offers five week-long summer camps in 2023:
Intro to Physics
Diagnosing Diseases
Book Club
Chemistry in Action
The Art in Math​​​​
AND summer workshops/contests to be announced throughout the summer!
Through interactive lectures, engaging activities, games, and hands-on workshops, students will gain valuable experience in each subject. Curriculum will be released shortly.

Intro to Physics
Instructors: Ava Abraham and Anna Adebola
Schedule: June 26 -June 30
Time: Every day from 10 AM - 1 PM CST
Grade Level: 3rd to 6th
If not for the governing laws of physics, life as we know it would be impossible! To ever move forward in science, students must grasp the fundamentals of physics. In this camp, students will learn the basics of physics- Newton's Laws of Motion, weight and gravity, types of forces, everything short of rocket science! They will then advance to more spellbinding topics, from energy to atoms to waves. Each lesson is taught with hands-on experiment demonstrations, many pictures, and engaging activities. Register now to understand the world as we know it on a whole other level!

Diagnosing Diseases
Instructors: Malak Ettahali and Lydia Tong
Schedule: July 3 - July 7
Time: Every day from 10 AM - 1 PM CST
Grade Level: 4th to 7th
It's never too early to get a taste of your possible future. Are you already curious about the medical track? Or perhaps you enjoy solving mysteries? In this camp, tasks and situations that medical professionals face will be simulated for the students. They will be taught about a painful variety of illnesses and abnormalities and will learn to identify each based on a specific combination of symptoms. "Case studies" will be presented, interactive games sprinkled throughout, and diagrams used to help every budding healer practice and remember. Kids will love feeling like an investigator, pinpointing the exact affliction at fault. Your child will be a doctor (sort of!) for a week... if you sign up now!

Book Club
Instructors: Madison B, Julia N, Saisha V
Schedule: July 10 - July 14
Time: Every day from 10 AM - 1 PM CST
Grade Level: 4th to 7th
In our reading camp, your child can refresh and practice their English skills instead of being shipped off in the fall with a blank mind. Of course, there will be heavy discussion of today’s fictional staple series! For example, The Hunger Games needs to be read before the start of camp for older students (click the pink button on for PDF) and Wonder needs to be read for younger students (click the gray button for PDF). However, they will also gain the ability to grasp and analyze advanced literature, so they may find the inspiration to devour more literature and even write a book of their own. Instructors dole out daily practice, give personalized editing suggestions, and include mini games and competitions. Renew and further your reading passion with this book club!

Chemistry in Action
Instructors: Michelle Chen and Prisha Verma
Schedule: July 24 - July 28
Time: Every day from 4 PM - 7 PM CST
Grade Level: 4th to 7th
Cooking, breathing, taking medicine. What do they have in common? Chemistry! We will cover topics from the quirks of the periodic table to how different substances interact with one another. Experiments, educational games, activities accompany the lessons to make the camp sure to produce a positive reaction for all participants! By the end of this course, students will come up with and present their own research questions, so that they may continue to explore these ideas and even utilize them to build their own science fair projects after camp ends. Soon enough, your child will find themselves enthralled and entangled in the web that is science! Sign up now for the fun to begin!

The Art in Math
Instructors: Emona Ji and Andrew Tang
Schedule: August 7 - August 11
Time: Every day from 4 PM - 7 PM CST
Grade Level: 3rd to 6th
No, not even in art can you escape the power of math! Time to mix these two seemingly opposite subjects together! Math does appear to be rigid, hard subject to master- all formulas and answers that are either right or wrong. Not anymore! With this brand-new class, learn to make math bend to your will to create a masterpiece! Students will graphically create works and explore symmetry and shapes. Determine color ratios and proportions, put math problems into the context of art. When you get back to school, don’t be surprised if you’re exceeding all academic expectations with flying colors!